Get to know the Panda’s story

Return Of The Panda is a not-for-profit organisation and the brainchild of Founder and Director, Fatimah Abbouchi.

Learn more about the story that inspired the creation of this non-profit, and Fatimah’s role in the community below.

The back story

“Where is the ‘panda’ from? I remember that whenever my feelings got the best of me, tears would stream down my face and ruin my makeup, or get dark circles from lack of sleep or puffy eyes from crying uncontrollably. I’d often look in the mirror and be reminded of a panda, with their smoky black eyes, thinking once again, anxiety has brought me to tears because of my fears – and as a result, the panda had returned. 

For many years, I’ve been working hard to accomplish and maintain a highly successful corporate career, during which I have been battling with the depth and breadth of an anxiety disorder. Anxiety sprung up on me, unannounced (and uninvited) one evening back in 2007 on a night out with my sister. Since then, I have been doing everything I can to manage my anxiety so it doesn’t manage me. Some days have been harder than others. For the first few months, I became easily overwhelmed with my emotions, making it difficult to cope. These days I am on a path to recovery and have learned to manage my anxiety.” ~ Fatimah Abbouchi

Read about Fatimah’s story and her journey with mental health and anxiety, from the day her life changed forever to where she is now. Link to article here.

Our Purpose

Return of the Panda is inspired to educate and inform sufferers that they are not alone. We feel for you because we’ve been through tough times too. By inspiring hope and sharing our story, we hope to help people manage their anxiety, showing you how not to let the anxiety manage you.

Our Mission

Our mission is to inspire hope and provide practical support, so people like us can find reassurance and comfort whenever we need it. Embracing you with comfort, encouragement, and support, we aim to end the stigma and suffering around anxiety, helping you on your journey to recovery.

Places where the Panda has been

From secondary schools, corporate workplaces to homeless shelters, and everything in between. By inspiring hope and sharing our story, we hope to help people manage their anxiety, showing them how not to let the anxiety manage them.

Get in touch

If you are someone who suffers from anxiety or you run a business, organisation, or school that could benefit from our programs and initiatives, we’re here to help.

Get in touch with us today


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